Tuesday 18 June 2013

Why is there Suffering?

How do you deal with the concept of suffering? Why do you think it exists? How does it affect your understanding of God?

I would deal suffering by helping the person that is suffering by any way possible that I can help them with food, clothes, anything that I have that i don't need. I think that suffering exist because of the selfish actions people do in this generation being greedy, rude or even gambling. This affects my understanding of God because he will be there to guide you to care for another person and in this generation no one cares about anyone only a small amount of people care so this does affect my understanding about God.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


The Seven Deadly Sins
1. Pride is at work when we are unable to celebrate another‘s good fortune or find it hard to face our own imperfections. National pride in excess leads to racism, terrorism and even genocide

Example: someone cannot celebrate their friend’s birthday and this action results in a fight, argument that destroys their friendship that they have.

2. Envy serves as the basis for our consumerist society – we buy because we want more in order to be satisfied. Envy means never being happy with what you have

Example: Someone that is never happy with their belonging and always wants other people belongings for themselves and no one else.

3. Gluttony is self-absorption and the inability to recognise the needs of others. Destroying and polluting the environment for economic gain, economic policy that keeps the majority of the wealth in the hands of the few whilst millions are in poverty, and increasing levels of obesity are all evidence of gluttony

Example: someone who is always worried about themselves and nothing else like not caring for their friends who care for their friends, the environment or even what is happening in this world like poverty.

4. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. It may lead to extra marital affairs, sexual abuse or rape. However it is not just sexual sin. Gollum in Lord of the Rings has an inordinate craving for the ring and its powers

Example: someone who is married but has a connection for another person. This action can lead to affairs destroying their love life.

5. Anger, when it is arises from inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and fury can lead to crimes such as assault, murder and acts of vengeance. Anger when it is appropriately expressed can be a force for change – it is how we express it that may cause problems

Example: someone who is always short tempered and gets angry at everything that makes them frustrated leading to violence physically and mentally to someone else.

6. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. Amassing large amounts of wealth, land, and resources with a disregard for how this leads to less being available for others characterises greed

Example: someone who doesn’t give only gets. Someone who doesn’t donates to the poor, and willing to steal from family and friends just to have it to themselves.

7. Slothfulness is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work including not acting when one should. Allowing bullying to occur and not acting to do something about it is an example of the vice of slothfulness

Example: someone who tries to get out of physical activities. Someone who is lazy and doesn’t do anything about it. This type of action lets bulling take over and doing nothing about it.


The Seven Virtues
The Theological Virtues: (Faith, Hope, and Love/charity)

1. Faith is concerned about things revealed by God which exceed the ability of human reason to grasp.

Example: someone who believes in a person to succeed at something they have never done  

2. Hope looks expectantly to the future. Through the virtue of hope, a person awaits the fulfilment of the promises of God

Example: someone is hoping that something good will happen today that they will enjoy.

3. Charity is the love of God in the form of human friendship

Example: someone who gives items that can help people in need of clothes and food.

The Cardinal Virtues

1.     Prudence makes it possible for people to choose that act which here and now best helps them to move in the direction of their final end. The entire process of prudence has its source in understanding

Example: someone that chooses the right path to choose without hesitating or worried what path to go down.

2.     Justice is the virtue that perfects the will. It regulates the voluntary actions when people relate to each other

Example: someone who doesn’t lie and always tells the truth about what happened

3.     Fortitude is a virtue that implies a certain firmness of mind, which is necessary for the practice of any of the virtues. It enables us to curb our fears and to moderate our daring

Example: someone who is always strong even if the person is face to face to their fear and protect loved ones or items to them.

4.     Temperance is principally, but not solely, concerned with the pleasures of food and drink and about sexual pleasure

Example: someone who does the right thing when necessary

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Conscience and Moral Judgemenet

A friend of yours, who is also a popular and well-known student, boasts to you that he/she has managed to steal a copy of the semester science exam. He/she is prepared to sell it to anyone for $10.00. This test has a 50% weighting on the overall result. What do you do? Would you buy a copy for yourself? Would you report the incident?

I would report this to the teachers for this incident. This is a terrible thing to do, this is cheating and this is a bad decision to do. The student is trying to get quick cash by making people buy the cheat sheet for them to get good grades, and when there is another exam anyone who bought the sheet with answers on it will not learn anything so they will get bad grades.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Free will and Deteriminism

What if God doesn't exist then good and evil are.... We would still have good and evil in our lives. Good and evil are always in our lives because of the decision we choose become good and evil. They are always with us if God does not exist, God doesn't make our own decisions for us we make our ways even with God so good and evil will still exist in our lives forever.

Lion King-Good and Evil Analysis

1. Who are the 'good' characters from the film? list them.
Simba, Mufasa, Sarabi, Zazu, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Mafiki.

2. Who are the 'evil' characters from the film? list them.
Scar, Hyena: Shenzi, Banzai, Ed

3. What qualities help define Simba as a 'good' character? Explain some of his personality traits and things he does in the film that demonstrates his 'goodness'.
He saved nala from Hyenas, Save Pumbaa from Nala, he comes back to pride rock, He stands up to Scar, Simba takes Pride Rock from Scar.

4. What qualities help define Scar as a 'evil' character? Explain some of his personality traits and things he does in the film that demonstrates his 'evilness'.
He tricked Simba to go to the Elephant Graveyard, Plans to kill Mufasa, He kills Mufasa, Takes over Pride Rock.

5. What is the ultimate evil act that Scar does? Why does he do this? What does this make you think or feel about his character?
The ultimate act that Scar does was that he planed and kills Mufasa and tells Simba to to run away from Pride Rock. This make me mad at Scar and Sad that Mufasa dies and Simba runs away.

6. What do you think the overall moral or message of this film is? What is it trying to explain to us about life? How do these morals or messages relate to the themes of good and evil?
The overall message to this film is to not trust anyone that is a untrustworthy person that seems like a faddy character, and to trust people that you know and can trust them always. These messages relate to good and evil by people being trustworthy and untrustworthy.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve is the first story in the bible in genesis. There are dominant themes and ideas in this story was the actions that Adam and Eve did. Actions that happened in this story consequence the man Adam be banished from the garden of Eden to the banished lands. Forcing him to hard labor and the woman Eve to start a new life with painful childbirth.

There is a message in this story and is described by one word Temptation. The woman deceived by the serpent, the serpent told her to grab fruit from the forbidden tree to see the light how God saw it. So Eve took two apples from the tree one for her and the other for Adam, Adam asked "were did you get this fruit from. " and Eve told him and said "you can eat it." As God saw them he yelled " this is fruit from the forbidden tree." so he banished Adam and made Eve start a new life with painful childbirth

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Y chart on Good, Evil, Trust, and Beauty

What it looks like: Good looks like helping another and doing good deeds for anyone that needs help.
What it smells like: Good smells like fresh air or any other scent that you enjoy smelling.
What it sounds like: Good sounds like people say hello or hows your day just some of these saying can brighten up some ones day.

What it looks like: Evil looks like bulling someone or stealing something precious from them or just being plain rude to someone
What it smell like: Evil smells like the worst scent that you have ever smelled or something that is melting.
What it sound like: Evil sounds like swearing and being rude to other people that treat that person with respect.

What it looks like: Beauty looks like someone with natural beauty and has a taste in fashion.
What it smells like: Beauty smells like perfume that sweetens up the air a smell that you could smell all the time
What it sounds like: Beauty sounds like nature with whistling birds or a voice that you could listen to forever.

What it looks like: Trust looks like fellow friends agreeing and shaking hands with each other knowing they can trust each other.
What it smells like: Trust smells like a clam scent like vanilla trusting the scent with your smell
What it sounds like: Trust sounds like everyone coming together and talking to each other and trusting everyone.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Plato Ancient philosopher beliefs of Good and Evil

Plato describe Nature and their shadows being like good and evil. He explains that the trees and the grass are real and can trust them because they are there in front of you. The shadows are the dark side of nature because they trick us by being the image of the tree or grass and not being in front of us.

The link is below if you want to check out the website
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Good and Evil Powerpoint



Jesus Christ was born in 2-6 BCE in Bethlehem.
Jesus life has been recorded and we know as the New Testament and is considered an incarnation of God. Christians believed he died for all the sins and rose from the dead.

Spider man

Spider man is a fictional character that is a hero. He is a character from his own movie and always saves the day and always gets the lady. He has the super powers of a spider. He save New York from different enemies but his main rival the Green Goblin.

Austin Powers

Austin Powers is a hero in his own movies. He is a agent that saves the world from his rival Dr Evil who plans to take over the world. Austin powers is the only one that can save the day from his rival.


Batman is fictional character but he is still the hero in several movies that he is in. He is the protector of Gotham City and defeats his enemies with his trusty side kick Robin. Batman has different enemies like the Joker, Penguin, Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy.

Iron Man/Tony Stark

Iron man is a hero but doesn't have any super abilities like any other heroes. Iron man is a iron suit that the creator has made called Tony Stark. Iron man is a hero in four movies and saves the world in them. He is powerful hero that is good and does anything to save the world.


Green Goblin

Green Goblin is the Villain in Spider man and plans to destroy spider man. He is spider mans rival in the first movie that he is in and stands in spider mans way. He is villain that uses a glider to get around places and uses pumpkin bombs to destroy spider man.

Dr Evil

Dr Evil is the enemy of Austin Powers and tries to take over the world many times but Austin Powers saves the day. Dr Evil is the antagonist in Austin Powers movies that why he is the villain of the movie. When his plan fails he will always have Mini Me by his side.

Mr Penguin

Mr Penguin is one of the villains in Batman’s movies. Mr Penguin is a enemy of batman that tries to take over Gotham City. Mr Penguin looks like a human slash penguin and uses a umbrella to fight of Batman.

The Lich

The Lich is the major antagonist in Adventure time. He is the enemy of Finn and Jake and plan to destroy Finn and Jake and destroys the world. He is an unexpected villain that appears in the show. He is created from nuclear bomb so he is nuclear weapon. 

Mr Freeze

Mr Freeze is another villain of Batman he plans to freeze the whole Gotham city and destroy Batman. He wears this suit so he can live outside a controlled temperature. His desire is to bring his wife back to life.

How do I know what Good or Evil

How do I know what's good or evil. I describe what are good and evil by the persons personality. If they had a good personality by seeing if they would give back items from other people or help other people in need before helping themselves.

If they had an evil personality by seeing if they were greedy and steal valuable items from other people or picking and hurting other people.

Another way of seeing what are good or evil by the clothes they wear outside. To see a good person would be wearing stylish and casual clothes for outside.

To see a evil person would be wearing untidy baggy clothes that look old and dirty. They also have tears in their clothes and don't care about it.

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