Wednesday 15 May 2013

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve is the first story in the bible in genesis. There are dominant themes and ideas in this story was the actions that Adam and Eve did. Actions that happened in this story consequence the man Adam be banished from the garden of Eden to the banished lands. Forcing him to hard labor and the woman Eve to start a new life with painful childbirth.

There is a message in this story and is described by one word Temptation. The woman deceived by the serpent, the serpent told her to grab fruit from the forbidden tree to see the light how God saw it. So Eve took two apples from the tree one for her and the other for Adam, Adam asked "were did you get this fruit from. " and Eve told him and said "you can eat it." As God saw them he yelled " this is fruit from the forbidden tree." so he banished Adam and made Eve start a new life with painful childbirth

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