Wednesday 15 May 2013

Y chart on Good, Evil, Trust, and Beauty

What it looks like: Good looks like helping another and doing good deeds for anyone that needs help.
What it smells like: Good smells like fresh air or any other scent that you enjoy smelling.
What it sounds like: Good sounds like people say hello or hows your day just some of these saying can brighten up some ones day.

What it looks like: Evil looks like bulling someone or stealing something precious from them or just being plain rude to someone
What it smell like: Evil smells like the worst scent that you have ever smelled or something that is melting.
What it sound like: Evil sounds like swearing and being rude to other people that treat that person with respect.

What it looks like: Beauty looks like someone with natural beauty and has a taste in fashion.
What it smells like: Beauty smells like perfume that sweetens up the air a smell that you could smell all the time
What it sounds like: Beauty sounds like nature with whistling birds or a voice that you could listen to forever.

What it looks like: Trust looks like fellow friends agreeing and shaking hands with each other knowing they can trust each other.
What it smells like: Trust smells like a clam scent like vanilla trusting the scent with your smell
What it sounds like: Trust sounds like everyone coming together and talking to each other and trusting everyone.

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