Tuesday 4 June 2013


The Seven Virtues
The Theological Virtues: (Faith, Hope, and Love/charity)

1. Faith is concerned about things revealed by God which exceed the ability of human reason to grasp.

Example: someone who believes in a person to succeed at something they have never done  

2. Hope looks expectantly to the future. Through the virtue of hope, a person awaits the fulfilment of the promises of God

Example: someone is hoping that something good will happen today that they will enjoy.

3. Charity is the love of God in the form of human friendship

Example: someone who gives items that can help people in need of clothes and food.

The Cardinal Virtues

1.     Prudence makes it possible for people to choose that act which here and now best helps them to move in the direction of their final end. The entire process of prudence has its source in understanding

Example: someone that chooses the right path to choose without hesitating or worried what path to go down.

2.     Justice is the virtue that perfects the will. It regulates the voluntary actions when people relate to each other

Example: someone who doesn’t lie and always tells the truth about what happened

3.     Fortitude is a virtue that implies a certain firmness of mind, which is necessary for the practice of any of the virtues. It enables us to curb our fears and to moderate our daring

Example: someone who is always strong even if the person is face to face to their fear and protect loved ones or items to them.

4.     Temperance is principally, but not solely, concerned with the pleasures of food and drink and about sexual pleasure

Example: someone who does the right thing when necessary

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